

Why We Give

God loves a cheerful giver. Here at Westwood, your gifts are not just used to meet budget, but it’s also used to further the ministry of God. Whether that ministry is within our four walls, the City of Selma, or around the world; you’re obedience in giving with make certain that those ministries thrive.

Give (Instagram Story)

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Ways to Give

In Person

Joining us for Sunday school or worship?
You can give in either. Ask your class leader or church leader and they can help you get your gift in the right place.

Give Online

You can give online by clicking the button below.

text to give

Text WBCSELMA and the amount to 73256. The click the in text link and complete your gift.

Securely Give Online

Sample Donation Form. NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE.